Resources overview
Benedict Arora: Reading Together 2024
How to contact politicians and engage audiences before national elections
Reading Together 2024
With upcoming national elections in 2024, BookTrust joins forces with all 12…
Discussion: Words Grow Minds: a book gifting program to support a public parent messaging media campaign
Julia Jones: 'Words Grow Minds: a book gifting program to support a public parent messaging media campaign.'
Words Grow Minds: a book gifting program to support a public parent messaging media campaign.
Presentation for Julia Jones: 'Words Grow Minds: a book gifting program to support…
Alison Underwood: 'Better Beginnings – an Early Years Bookgifting Family Literacy program'
Better Beginnings – an Early Years Bookgifting Family Literacy program
Presentation for Alison Underwood's 'Better Beginnings – an Early Years Bookgifting Family…
Nancy Edgar: 'Selecting Books for A Newborn Book Gifting Program'
Selecting Books for A Newborn Book Gifting Program.
Presentation for Nancy Edgar: 'Selecting Books for A Newborn Book Gifting Program.'
Caroline Hill-Trevor: 'Book Selection at BookTrust.'
Book Selection at BookTrust.
Presentation for Caroline Hill-Trevor: 'Book Selection at BookTrust.'
Barbara Jakob: 'Buchstart Schweiz – Selecting 2 Boardbooks for 1 Nation with 4 official languages and many cultural backgrounds.'
Buchstart Schweiz – Selecting 2 Boardbooks for 1 Nation with 4 official languages and many cultural backgrounds.
Presentation for Barbara Jakob: 'Buchstart Schweiz – Selecting 2 Boardbooks for 1…
Giorgio Tamburlini: ‘Assessing the impact of the Nati per Leggere program in Italy: results and challenges.’
Assessing the impact of the Nati per Leggere program in Italy: results and challenges.
Presentation for Giorgio Tamburlini: 'Assessing the impact of the Nati per Leggere…
Daiden O’Regan: 'Book Seed: the pilot in Limerick and its end of first year evaluation.'
Book Seed: the pilot in Limerick and its end of first year evaluation.
Presentation for Daiden O’Regan: 'Book Seed: the pilot in Limerick and its…
Brian Gallagher MPA: 'Reach Out and Read Research.'
Reach Out and Read Research.
Presentation for Brian Gallagher MPA: 'Reach Out and Read Research.'
Catriona Wallace: 'Quality book gifting: a recent impact study and learning what works.'
Quality book gifting: a recent impact study and learning what works.
Presentation for Catriona Wallace: 'Quality book gifting: a recent impact study and…
Summary for 'The long-term effects of BoekStart (Bookstart): a longitudinal study.'
Summary for 'The long-term effects of BoekStart (Bookstart): a longitudinal study.'
Marijke Bos and Jette van den Eijnden: 'The long-term effects of BoekStart (Bookstart): a longitudinal study.'
The long-term effects of BoekStart (Bookstart): a longitudinal study.
Presentation for Marijke Bos and Jette van den Eijnden: 'The long-term effects…
Marijke Bos: 'Improving the quality of bookgifting.'
Improving the quality of bookgifting.
Presentation for Marijke Bos: 'Improving the quality of bookgifting.'
Emmi Jäkkö: '27% of families begin reading – results of Finland’s first book gifting programme.'
27% of families begin reading – results of Finland’s first book gifting programme.
Presentation for Emmi Jäkkö: '27% of families begin reading – results of…
Jennifer Luk: ‘Using Bookstart with families: our programme best practice guidance.’
Using Bookstart with families: our programme best practice guidance.
Presentation for Jennifer Luk: ‘Using Bookstart with families: our programme best practice…
Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: 'Evaluation design, and feedback on 5 years of programmes across Sweden.'
Evaluation design, and feedback on 5 years of programmes across Sweden.
Presentation for Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: 'Evaluation design, and feedback on…
Lesestart 1-2-3 English Poster
A poster that explains Lesestart 1-2-3's programme and its scientific background.
Prof. Dr. Simone C. Ehmig: 'Impact Evaluation of the 3 Milestones Project 2011-19'
Impact Evaluation of the 3 Milestones Project 2011-19.
Presentation for Prof. Dr. Simone C. Ehmig: 'Impact Evaluation of the 3…
Sabine Bonewitz: 'Lesestart 123: changes from Lesestart (2011-19) and evaluation of year one.'
Lesestart 123: changes from Lesestart (2011-19) and evaluation of year one.
Presentation for Sabine Bonewitz: 'Lesestart 123: changes from Lesestart (2011-19) and evaluation of…
Sabine Bonewitz: 'Lesestart 1-2-3 and the effectiveness of early speech and reading development.'
Lesestart 1-2-3 and the effectiveness of early speech and reading development.
Presentation for Sabine Bonewitz: 'Lesestart 1-2-3 and the effectiveness of early speech…
Julia Norrish: 'Flooding the country with books: Using innovative channels to access the hard to reach.'
Flooding the country with books: Using innovative channels to access the hard to reach.
Presentation for Julia Norrish: 'Flooding the country with books: Using innovative channels…
Catriona Wallace and Celia Richards: 'Bookbug for the Home: Bookbug isn’t just a literacy programme, Bookbug builds families.'
Bookbug for the Home: Bookbug isn’t just a literacy programme, Bookbug builds families.
Presentation for Catriona Wallace and Celia Richards: 'Bookbug for the Home: Bookbug…
Reinhard Ehgartner: 'The new socially integrative role of public libraries and Bookstart Austria in the project “Early Help”'.
The new socially integrative role of public libraries and Bookstart Austria in the project “Early Help”.
Presentation for Reinhard Ehgartner: 'The new socially integrative role of public libraries…
Julie Hayward: 'Building BookTrust’s Partner approach for support at scale to low income families.'
Building BookTrust’s Partner approach for support at scale to low income families.
Presentation for Julie Hayward: 'Building BookTrust’s Partner approach for support at scale…
Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: 'Testing different methods suited to specific local and regional needs.'
Testing different methods suited to specific local and regional needs.
Presentation for Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: 'Testing different methods suited to…
Carol McDougall: 'Addressing the language needs of First Nations communities. Nurturing new generations of Mi’kmaq speakers.'
Addressing the language needs of First Nations communities. Nurturing new generations of Mi’kmaq speakers.
Presentation for Carol McDougall: 'Addressing the language needs of First Nations communities.…
Shanda LaRamee-Jones: 'Ensuring Children See Themselves in Books: Creating a culturally and racially representative resource.'
Ensuring Children See Themselves in Books: Creating a culturally and racially representative resource.
Presentation for Shanda LaRamee-Jones: 'Ensuring Children See Themselves in Books: Creating a…
Julia Norrish and Zanri Kritzinger: 'Open-license storybook platforms & free online multilingual resources.'
Open-license storybook platforms & free online multilingual resources.
Presentation for Julia Norrish and Zanri Kritzinger: 'Open-license storybook platforms & free…
Kirsty Sinclair: 'Work for children and families with additional support needs.'
Work for children and families with additional support needs.
Presentation for Kirsty Sinclair: 'Work for children and families with additional support…
Marijke Bos: 'Using digital picture books in childcare centers for multilingual and non-Dutch speaking parents.'
Using digital picture books in childcare centers for multilingual and non-Dutch speaking parents.
Presentation for Marijke Bos: 'Using digital picture books in childcare centers for multilingual…
Olivia Crill: ‘Bookstart for English as an Additional Language (EAL) literature review and initial pilot results.’
Bookstart for English as an Additional Language (EAL) literature review and initial pilot results.
Presentation for Olivia Crill: ‘Bookstart for English as an Additional Language (EAL)…
Alexandra Strick: 'Disability representation: top tips on ensuring all children can find themselves in books.'
Disability representation: top tips on ensuring all children can find themselves in books.
Presentation for Alexandra Strick: 'Disability representation: top tips on ensuring all children can…
Izumi Satou: 'Supporting Babies and Parents with Visual Impairment.'
Supporting Babies and Parents with Visual Impairment.
Presentation for Izumi Satou: 'Supporting Babies and Parents with Visual Impairment.'
Izumi Satou: ‘Bookstart in Japan: Support for non-Japanese Speakers.’
Bookstart in Japan: Support for non-Japanese Speakers.
Presentation for Izumi Satou: Bookstart Japan – ‘Bookstart in Japan: Support for…
Lotte Baert: ‘A multilingual library for babies and toddlers’ – an online tool for libraries on Iedereen Leest’s new learning platform.
‘A multilingual library for babies and toddlers’ – an online tool for libraries on Iedereen Leest’s new learning platform.
Presentation for Lotte Baert's ‘A multilingual library for babies and toddlers’ –…
Piloting reading promotion intervention in Primary Healthcare in Greece
Marianne O’Kane Boal and Aoife McDonnell: 'The Bookseed pilot programme evaluation, discussing what we have learned and exploring working relationships with government.'
The Bookseed pilot programme evaluation, discussing what we have learned and exploring working relationships with government.
Presentation for Marianne O’Kane Boal and Aoife McDonnell: 'The Bookseed pilot programme evaluation,…
Vibeke Røgler and Sigrun Feiring: 'A brief overview of the Bookstart Norway project.'
A brief overview of the Bookstart Norway project.
Presentation for Vibeke Røgler and Sigrun Feiring: 'A brief overview of the Bookstart…
Norwegian Parents’ Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children – Findings from Evaluation of Bookstart in Norway.
Presentation for Natalia Kucirkova: 'Norwegian Parents’ Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children…
Natalia Kucirkova: 'Norwegian Parents’ Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children – Findings from Evaluation of Bookstart in Norway.'
READING TRANSFORMS: Leer Transforma: the creation of a new network in Spain to join literature promotion practices and programs.
Presentation for Araya Goitia: 'READING TRANSFORMS: Leer Transforma: the creation of a new…
Araya Goitia: 'READING TRANSFORMS: Leer Transforma: the creation of a new network in Spain to join literature promotion practices and programs.'
Ana Molina: 'The implementation of the Bookstart Spain project and the power of networking.'
The implementation of the Bookstart Spain project and the power of networking.
Presentation for Ana Molina: 'The implementation of the Bookstart Spain project and…
Gabriela Dul: '5 years of Polish Bookstart: Results of a nationwide survey on parental reading practice, the impact of the program, and its public perception.'
5 years of Polish Bookstart: Results of a nationwide survey on parental reading practice, the impact of the program, and its public perception.
Presentation for Gabriela Dul: '5 years of Polish Bookstart: Results of a…
Dorette Louw: 'The Book Dash book-production/publishing model as one way of creating appropriate content needed to start a book-gifting programme; case-studies of other organisations using & adapting the model to create their own books; Book Dash’s adaptation for online events.'
The Book Dash book-production/publishing model as one way of creating appropriate content needed to start a book-gifting programme; case-studies of other organisations using & adapting the model to create their own books; Book Dash’s adaptation for online events.
Presentation for Dorette Louw: 'The Book Dash book-production/publishing model as one way…
Miriam Schembri: 'Training Reading Animators, Storytellers and Educators.'
Training Reading Animators, Storytellers and Educators.
Presentation for Miriam Schembri: 'Training Reading Animators, Storytellers and Educators.'
Ahn, Chan-soo: 'Reading Promotion for Children in Korea: Using volunteers, and community invigoration.'
Reading Promotion for Children in Korea: Using volunteers, and community invigoration.
Presentation for Ahn, Chan-soo: 'Reading Promotion for Children in Korea: Using volunteers, and…
Laurence Mc Laughlin: 'Books4Babies: Encouraging voluntary involvement and community participation.'
Books4Babies: Encouraging voluntary involvement and community participation.
Presentation for Laurence Mc Laughlin: 'Books4Babies: Encouraging voluntary involvement and community participation.'
Izumi Satou: 'Bookstart in Japan: Working with volunteers and community invigoration.'
Working with volunteers and community invigoration.
Presentation for Izumi Satou: 'Bookstart in Japan: Working with volunteers and community…
Bookbug: Aligning with national health and wellbeing priorities
Stefania Manetti MD: 'Nati per Leggere programme: the multidisciplinary network.'
Nati per Leggere programme: the multidisciplinary network.
Presentation for Stefania Manetti MD: 'Nati per Leggere programme: the multidisciplinary network.'
Valeria Balbinot: 'Nati per Leggere: Key Principles and Strategies.'
Nati per Leggere: Key Principles and Strategies.
Presentation for Valeria Balbinot: 'Nati per Leggere: Key Principles and Strategies.'
Perri Klass MD: 'Reach Out and Read: promoting positive language-rich interactions and supporting families.'
Shanda LaRamee-Jones: 'Delivering a Bookgift Program at the Hospital Bedside.'
Delivering a Bookgift Program at the Hospital Bedside.
Presentation for Shanda LaRamee-Jones: 'Delivering a Bookgift Program at the Hospital Bedside.'
Emmi Jäkkö: 'Lukulahja lapselle, a Book Bag for every baby: feedback from health care officials and families from the second round of evaluation.'
Lukulahja lapselle, a Book Bag for every baby: feedback from health care officials and families from the second round of evaluation.
Presentation for Emmi Jäkkö: 'Lukulahja lapselle, a Book Bag for every baby: feedback…
Emmi Jäkkö: 'Book bag for every child born 2019-2021.'
Book bag for every child born 2019-2021.
Presentation for Emmi Jäkkö: 'Book bag for every child born 2019-2021.'
Reinhard Ehgartner: 'Books and reading aloud on prescription: a new project for Austria.'
Books and reading aloud on prescription: a new project for Austria.
Presentation for Reinhard Ehgartner: 'Books and reading aloud on prescription: a new project…
Gabriela Dul: 'Small Book-Great Human – working with Polands 360 state hospitals.'
Small Book-Great Human – working with Polands 360 state hospitals.
Presentation for Gabriela Dul: 'Small Book-Great Human – working with Polands 360…
Goda Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė: 'Bookstart knygų startas in Lithuania grow a generation with a book.'
Bookstart knygų startas in Lithuania grow a generation with a book.
Presentation for Goda Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė: Bookstart knygų startas in Lithuania grow a generation…
Izumi Satou: 'The Health and Wellbeing Rationale for the Founding of Bookstart Japan, and the Qualitative Approach to Evaluating Parent-Child Relationships.'
The Health and Wellbeing Rationale for the Founding of Bookstart Japan, and the Qualitative Approach to Evaluating Parent-Child Relationships.
Presentation for Izumi Satou: 'The Health and Wellbeing Rationale for the Founding…
Elaine Jones: 'Beyond Library Lending: Supporting the Health and Well-being of the Community through Bookgifting'
Beyond Library Lending: Supporting the Health and Well-being of the Community through Bookgifting
Presentation for Elaine Jones's 'Beyond Library Lending: Supporting the Health and Well-being…
A national survey of low-income families – 2022
Presentation for Ly Chu (BookTrust – England, Wales and Northern Ireland): 'A…
Digital children’s books in childcare institutions; and free reading with enhancements.
Presentation for Niels Bakker (Dutch Reading Foundation – Stichting Lezen): Digital children’s…
The Love to Read project evaluation.
Presentation for Katherine Wilkinson (Scottish Book Trust) and Sarah McGeown (University of…
Miriam Schembri: 'Home Libraries: providing a literacy environment in the homes of vulnerable families.'
Home Libraries: providing a literacy environment in the homes of vulnerable families.
Presentation for Miriam Schembri: 'Home Libraries: providing a literacy environment in the…
Sue Hill and Julia Jones: 'Building Parental Capacity/Home Libraries, and Universal Book Gifting.'
Building Parental Capacity/Home Libraries, and Universal Book Gifting.
Presentation for Sue Hill and Julia Jones: 'Building Parental Capacity/Home Libraries, and…
Marijke Bos: 'BookStart in the Netherlands: Growth and development of an established programme.'
BookStart in the Netherlands: Growth and development of an established programme.
Presentation for Marijke Bos: 'BookStart in the Netherlands: Growth and development of an…
Dr Mouse is in the House.
The book 'Dr Mouse is in the House', which PDF can be…
Izumi Satou: ‘Bookstart in Japan: A sustainable structure for self-motivated programmes.’
Bookstart in Japan: A sustainable structure for self-motivated programmes.
Presentation for Izumi Satou's ‘Bookstart in Japan: A sustainable structure for self-motivated…
Lotte Baert's ‘Boekstart Flanders update and professionalisation’
'Bookstart programmes around the world'- Presentation to the Polish Book Institute Conference, Warsaw
Linda Thorne: ‘Better Beginnings, Partnerships’
‘BookStart in the Netherlands: Growth and development of an established programme.’
Marijke Bos: Stichting Lezen, Netherlands
The long-term effects of BoekStart (Bookstart): a longitudinal study
Marijke Bos and Jette van den Eijnden: Dutch Reading Foundation
‘Boekstart Flanders update and professionalisation.’
Presentation for Lotte Baert's ‘Boekstart Flanders update and professionalisation’
Better Beginnings - Partnerships
Presentation for Linda Thorne's ‘Better Beginnings, Partnerships’