Book gifting logo

National Literacy Agency

Hamrun, Malta
Programme name

Home Libraries/Librerija f’Kull Dar.



Date of information

December 26th 2023


Organization name

National Literacy Agency.

Organization address

National Curriculum Centre, Hamrun Malta.


The National Literacy Agency (NLA), of the Ministry for Education and Employment, seeks to promote and sustain lifelong and life wide, high quality, literacy practices among children, youth, adults, migrants and persons with learning difficulties. It strives also to improve literacy outcomes, resulting in inclusive practices, higher educational qualifications, and better job prospects. The Agency was established in September 2014 to promote and ensure the delivery of the different aspects of the National Literacy Strategy for All in Malta and Gozo, and serve as a main driver in the field of literacy.

Organization contact

David Muscat.

Position of contact person

CEO National Literacy Agency.

Organization website

Organization type

National reading promotion organization.

How many staff does your organization employ?



Basic details

Programme name

Home Libraries/Librerija f’Kull Dar.

Country/Province/City where the programme takes place


Year started


Programme goal/objective

To provide a literacy environment in the homes of vulnerable families. Encourage parents/guardians to read aloud. To develop a love of books and reading.

Funding sources


Geographic coverage

All localities in Malta and Gozo.

Purpose of the programme

Not for profit?

Not for profit.

Religious or political purpose?


Local consistency of model

Is your programme model consistent across your geographic area, or are there regional differences?


Book Packs

What are the contents of your gifting pack?

Packs to vulnerable families with children aged between o and 3. This pack consists of two picture books one in Maltese and the other in English, a CD with Maltese nursery rhymes,leaflets with information on how to read aloud and information about the reading for pleasure programmes. Packs to vulnerable families of children aged 3 to 5. This pack contains 24 books, 12 in Maltese and 12 in English, a CD with Maltese nursery rhymes alphabet flashcards and information leaflets with information on how to read aloud and information about the reading for pleasure programmes.

Is your programme offered free of charge to all families?

The programme is offered free of charge.

Partnerships and Delivery

What are your primary `points of contact` with the population you serve? (i.e your local programme partners.)

Library, Hospital, Community centre, Health clinic, School

Who gifts/hands-out your pack to families?

Early literacy specialists

Does your programme uses volunteers?



Is the programme universal or targeted?

Targeted to socially deprived families. Expectant families. Families are selected in two ways: a) through FEAD per the following criteria: i. Households in receipt of non-contributory means tested benefits and having two or more children under 16; ii. Households having two or more children under 16 with an income not exceeding 80% National Minimum Wage; iii. Households having two or more children under 16 with an income not exceeding the National Minimum Wage; iv. Non-single households eligible for non-contributory means tested age pension. b) through preschools families are eligible per the following criteria: i. Families with an annual income of 10,000 euros or under; ii. children from families experiencing domestic violence, chronic mental illness, gambling or substance abuse; iii.children unable to take part in school organised activities due to terminal illness in the family; iv. children with refugee status.

How many children does your programme serve a year?

Circa 700 children; in 2018, c.600 families benfited from the 0 to 3 packs, and c.100. benefited from the 3 to 5 packs.

At what age/gifting period do children receive your programme?

Packs and distributed as follows: 1) Pre-natal – expectant families who attend Parentcraft talks as part of a prenatal programme; 2) Between the ages of 0 to 3 during the distribution of FEAD (Food Distribution); 3) In preschool classes for children 3 to 5 during reading programmes offered in schools.

Diversity provision

Does your program include provisions or resources for children with special needs?


What language populations does your programme serve?

Maltese and English.

Evaluation and research

Have you conducted programme evaluation or research (including longitudinal)? If yes, has this evaluation/research been published?

Not yet.