BookStart Madeira.
Portugal/Autonomous Region of Madeira.
December 26th 2023
Madeira Archives and Library Department
Caminho dos Álamos, 35, Santo António 9020-064 Funchal
Promoting widespread access to Madeira’s archival heritage; fostering reading and literacy in the community; promoting research and knowledge about Madeira’s history and culture
Nuno Mota
Director of Madeira Archives and Library Department
Local network of organizations who support and administer the programme
BookStart Madeira.
Portugal/Autonomous Region of Madeira.
Promoting family reading practices for children under 5 years old, privileging social contexts less exposed to books and reading.
Presently, only public funding sources are being used; as the programme gains traction we plan to diversify funding and involve private funding and other public funding sources.
Madeira archipelago (Portugal).
Not for profit.
Not consistent – For now and unless we get extra funding, we don’t plan to cover Madeira’s biggest urban centre and capital city (Funchal), at least entirely, since this is the geographic area already more intensely covered by our library and reading services; for the same funding reasons, we don’t plan to cover all the population of other two more populous municipalities located in the south of Madeira Island
Two books per pack; information/marketing material about the programme. Every child will receive three packs between 0 and 5 years old. Books will be chosen according to the age of the participants. For the selection of the books, we are relying on our own expertise with book reading activities for children and also on input from the University of Madeira (Educational Psychology research team).
Yes, free of charge.
Library, School.
Librarians, nursery school staff.
The programme is targeted at children aged from 0 to 5 years old, living in more peripheral municipalities in Madeira archipelago, not just geographically but also in terms of socio-economic criteria; we will try to reach all the children in less populated municipalities, and introduce socio-economic exclusion criteria (for instance, levels of income) in the more populated municipalities.
The number of children is incremental in a year basis. In 2023 only 70 children will be served (belonging to just one municipality, which will work as a pilot project). In 2028 we expect to serve between 700 to 1000 children annually.
6 – 12 months; 24-36 months; 4-5 years.
Madeira Archives and Library Department is the new regional agency responsible for the coordination of the regional library system and, more broadly, for promoting book and reading in Madeira. Therefore we intend to promote this programme in the scope of these goals and also as a way of developing the regional library system through confronting local libraries with new challenges and strategies for promoting reading in a community level.